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Two Dead Chicks | A Walking Dead Podcast

Mar 26, 2019


On the penultimate episode of season 9 of The Walking Dead, we finally arrived at the fair or whatever this was. We watched in amazement as Alpha infiltrated the fair and then magically changed day to night and filthy to clean in a matter of mere moments. We also watched as Alpha impersonated a regular person named...

Mar 19, 2019

OK. Where do we begin with this long-awaited episode of The Walking Dead? Our friend Tai Gooden helps us break this down.


What started as excitement to see our main woman, Michonne (Danai Gurira), step into the spotlight turned to horror over what we were watching. The kids? Eff them kids. Yes, they deserved to die...

Mar 12, 2019



What in the actual hell was that, The Walking Dead

Henry and Lydia are the worst. Doesn't Dog need a snack or something? Somebody come get these kids. 

Meanwhile, The Highway Men are super stoked to watch Die Hard and so naturally The Kang and Queen Carol invite them to the fair because all of this seems like a...

Mar 5, 2019


On this episode of The Walking Dead, Aaron Bae and his robocop arm stan a Queen and he now recognizes that, as we all know, Michonne is always right. Father Gabriel and Siddiq still don’t get it, but sure, go on to the fair to watch Die Hard while there are people literally running around WEARING DEAD PEOPLE’S...